For you Ontario people...Your Hydro Bill...

Posted on 06/02/2016 | About Ontario, New York

Based on a monthly use of 1000 kw the average bill for an Ontario resident is $226.03!


1. Move to Quebec ! In Quebec for the same number of kilowatts the average bill is $67.89? That's 70% lower than Ontario .

Don't speak French?? Then go to option No. 2.

2. Move to British Columbia : While maybe British Columbia will be more suitable, as English is spoken there but Chinese would be an asset.

The average monthly hydro bill for 1000 kw is $89.12 that's 61% lower than Ontario .

Don't want to move so far??? Go to option 3.

3. Move to Manitoba : How about Manitoba ??

English spoken there and the average hydro bill for 1000 kw is $81.09 that's 64% lower than Ontario .

This huge price disparity is due to badly mismanaged and misguided energy policies of the present Provincial government, that wants to be remembered as the GREEN Government and feel good about themselves, all the while rewarding their friends and foreign investors with your money.

And this is only the beginning, the Provincial Government has stated there are lots more rate hikes to come.

These high energy costs are one of the main reason that Ontario 's industry can't compete and good paying jobs are leaving our province.

So just remember this when Kathleen Wynne wants you to re-elect her and her band of merry bandits.

Isn't it amazing how quickly our Friend McGuinty disappeared from the radar. He should be in jail for his mismanagement !

PASS IT ON !!!!!