GETTING TOGETHER NYC, Cuban museums to present bilingual exhibition

Posted on 07/14/2016 | About Cuba

The American Museum of Natural History is collaborating with its counterpart in Havana on a bilingual exhibition on Cuba. It will open Nov. 21 in New York and run through Aug. 13, 2017.

The exhibition is part of an agreement signed last weekend between the New York City museum and the Cuban National Museum of Natural History formalizing their collaboration on research, exhibitions and education.
It will explore the biodiversity of the Caribbean island nation's forest, caves, wetlands and reefs. It will include live animals and specimens, plus models and artifacts on Cuba's wildlife.
Visitors also will learn about Cuba's culture, history and people. A boulevard evoking a typical Cuban street will feature music, food and performances.
The AMNH says there's been a century of scientific collaboration between the museum and Cuban researchers.