Posted on 07/30/2016 | About United States

US airlines collected more than US $900 million ($1.2 billion) in baggage fees in the first quarter of 2016. This week a new regulation signed into law would require an airline to "promptly provide to a passenger an automated refund for any ancillary fees paid by the passenger for checked baggage" not delivered within 12 hours of arrival of a domestic flight, or within 15 hours of arrival of an international flight.

The passenger must notify the airline of the lost or delayed baggage to get the refund, but they won’t have to “spend a ton of time tracking down a refund when the airline doesn’t deliver,” said US Senator John Thune, chairman of the Senate Commerce committee.
The measure in a Federal Aviation Administration re-authorization extension bill signed into law this month directs the US Transportation Secretary to issue regulations on the matter within a year.